Date of Publication 17th January 2017
Publisher Self-Published
Length of Read 6 minutes
Where to Read Medium
Ladé spends a night at Lacy’s place.
“I like something playing in the background while I sleep. It makes me feel less lonesome.” Ladé explained. This was unusual. He’d had just met her a week ago. And this was the second time they’d met up and there he was opening up to some random stranger. He was unable to look at her straight in the eye.
“I sleep with the lights on.” She also confessed but she looked him in his eyes, “I’m afraid of the dark.”
They sat on the edge of the bed, next to each other. Close. Ladé wanted to kiss her but he was afraid that she would say those three words that haunted him the most, it’s too fast. He fought with his thoughts. She had invited him over to her place, dragged him to her room and didn’t leave any space between them where and when they sat. He combated his fear of rejection and used logic to conclude, she wanted this.
He kissed her. It was awkward. At first. He wasn’t sure if she’d prefer his tongue in hers or hers in his. Also, her breathing was short and fast. He grew concerned that he might have been too intense but then her breathing subsided to normal. Ladé brought her closer to his body, their lips were pressed and their tongues overlapped. He held her face and continued playing with her tongue. Would she allow him to play with her tits?